Here are some materials to help you study for the test on mitosis, meiosis and genetics.
A practice test from last year can be found here.
Practice essays can be found here.
Happy studying!
A blog for students at RHS to keep up with assignments, cool science happenings and school news.
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Tuesday, November 4th
In AP Biology, we reviewed and played a game to get ready for our test. Here is a practice test (and essays) that you can take to get yourself ready for tomorrow's test on cellular respiration and photosynthesis.
In physical science we started playing our midterm review games and everything went really well! I will include some pictures of the games tomorrow. Midterm is Thursday!
In physical science we started playing our midterm review games and everything went really well! I will include some pictures of the games tomorrow. Midterm is Thursday!
Monday, November 3, 2014
Monday, November 3rd
I realize that I have been slack on my postings for a couple of weeks, but I will try to get started again.
In AP Biology, we worked through the questions that went along with our cellular respiration lab from last Friday. We also began reviewing for Wednesday's test on Chapters 6 & 7. This will cover the topics of cellular respiration and photosynthesis.
A couple of helpful review videos on Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis:
In Physical Science we began designing and creating our review games for the midterm on Thursday. You will have all day Monday and half the day Tuesday to finish this game and the questions. On the second half of Tuesday and all of Wednesday we will play these games, so ask some good review questions! The specifications of the game are listed out below.
Midterm Review Game
In AP Biology, we worked through the questions that went along with our cellular respiration lab from last Friday. We also began reviewing for Wednesday's test on Chapters 6 & 7. This will cover the topics of cellular respiration and photosynthesis.
A couple of helpful review videos on Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis:
Cellular Respiration from Crash Course:
Cellular Respiration from Bozeman Science:
Photosynthesis from Crash Course:
Photosynthesis from Bozeman Science:
In Physical Science we began designing and creating our review games for the midterm on Thursday. You will have all day Monday and half the day Tuesday to finish this game and the questions. On the second half of Tuesday and all of Wednesday we will play these games, so ask some good review questions! The specifications of the game are listed out below.
Midterm Review Game
- Can be any game format (board game or otherwise)
- Must be able to be played in 10 minutes
- Must include 25 review questions
- Must be finished by 45 minutes into class on Tuesday
- Turn in five questions to be used on the midterm
- Will be a separate 50-point grade
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Tuesday, October 14
In AP Biology, we went over the notes from Chapter 7 - Photosynthesis. We watched the following video that does a good job of explaining photosynthesis.
In Physical Science we finished up our notes for Ch. 6, which talked about metallic bonds and how to name various compounds. Then we did some practice problems for naming compounds on pg. 174 in our book - there will be a few of these on the final exam!
In Physical Science we finished up our notes for Ch. 6, which talked about metallic bonds and how to name various compounds. Then we did some practice problems for naming compounds on pg. 174 in our book - there will be a few of these on the final exam!
Monday, October 13
In AP Biology, we went over the discussion questions and shared the class data for our second attempt at the catalase enzyme lab. Everyone felt this one was easier to understand and it gave us the opportunity to change some of the conditions for the reaction, such as temperature, substrate concentration and pH. The instructions can be found here. This procedure will be similar to the one we will follow for the photosynthesis lab later in the week.
In Physical Science, we had a research day for our chemical reaction demonstration day. On Thursday, each group will be responsible for carrying out a demonstration of a chemical reaction using common household chemicals. The assignment sheet can be found here.
We found some great websites for cool demonstrations, some of which we will be showing throughout the year. One website was ChemDemo from James Madison University. Another was a list of household and lab chemical demonstrations from Elmhurst College.
In Physical Science, we had a research day for our chemical reaction demonstration day. On Thursday, each group will be responsible for carrying out a demonstration of a chemical reaction using common household chemicals. The assignment sheet can be found here.
We found some great websites for cool demonstrations, some of which we will be showing throughout the year. One website was ChemDemo from James Madison University. Another was a list of household and lab chemical demonstrations from Elmhurst College.
Wednesday, October 8 - Friday, October 10
On these days, we had a guest speaker for physical science. Daniel Findley from the Institute for Transportation Research and Education at NC State came to work with us a variety of topics.
On Wednesday, we traveled into town and took some data to determine travel time through town, from the United Community Bank to the car wash.
On Thursday, we analyzed our data and found that it was more difficult than we thought to get meaningful results.
On Friday, we switched topics and learned a bit about programming while playing with Lego Robots.
On Wednesday, we traveled into town and took some data to determine travel time through town, from the United Community Bank to the car wash.
On Thursday, we analyzed our data and found that it was more difficult than we thought to get meaningful results.
On Friday, we switched topics and learned a bit about programming while playing with Lego Robots.
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Tuesday, October 7th
In AP Biology, we continued to work on lab reports. Rough drafts are due Monday, October 13th. The introduction section for your semester-long project is due on Friday, October 10th.
In Physical science, we did a lab concerning chromatography. Chromatography is the separation of pigments depending on their ability to dissolve in a given solvent. In this case, we were looking at the effect of alcohol, acetone or water on different types of markers. Some cool pictures from our results are shown below.
In Physical science, we did a lab concerning chromatography. Chromatography is the separation of pigments depending on their ability to dissolve in a given solvent. In this case, we were looking at the effect of alcohol, acetone or water on different types of markers. Some cool pictures from our results are shown below.
Monday, October 6th
In AP Biology, we started working on lab reports for the enzyme catalysis lab. Instructions and a rubric can be found here.
In Physical Science, we covered covalent and metallic bonding in Chapter 6 notes.
In Physical Science, we covered covalent and metallic bonding in Chapter 6 notes.
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Thursday, October 2
In AP Biology, we played a great game of biology Taboo that came down to the last minute, with the Red Robins holding off a furious comeback by the Black Hawks. Your test will be tomorrow, so hopefully you are studying. Here is something that can help with writing your essays.
In 2nd period physical science, we finished up the reading guide for Chapter 6.
School gets out at 1 PM and we have parent-teacher conferences today. You will get a progress report tomorrow.
In 2nd period physical science, we finished up the reading guide for Chapter 6.
School gets out at 1 PM and we have parent-teacher conferences today. You will get a progress report tomorrow.
Wednesday, October 1st
In AP Biology, we reviewed for the test on Chapters 4-6.
In 2nd period Physical Science, we presented our tri-folds, worked on ACT practice and a reading guide for Chapter 6 - Chemical Bonds.
In 3rd period Physical science, we presented our tri-folds, worked on ACT practice and had a pre-lab for Chapter 6 where we looked at the properties of different compounds under a magnifying glass - epsom salts, regular salt, sugar, corn starch and citric acid.
In 2nd period Physical Science, we presented our tri-folds, worked on ACT practice and a reading guide for Chapter 6 - Chemical Bonds.
In 3rd period Physical science, we presented our tri-folds, worked on ACT practice and had a pre-lab for Chapter 6 where we looked at the properties of different compounds under a magnifying glass - epsom salts, regular salt, sugar, corn starch and citric acid.
Tuesday, September 30th
Today, members of the Club and Math and Science went to the NC Arboretum in Asheville so we had a sub in AP Biology and Physical Science.
Monday, September 29
Today, in AP Biology, we answered questions, compiled data and did calculations that went along with Friday's Enzyme Lab.
In physical science, we created mini tri-fold posters out of old manilla folders. These mini presentations had to include 3 headings, 3+ pictures and information from Chapter 4 or 5 in a bulleted list. Some of the best can be seen below.
Friday, September 26
Today, in AP Biology, we completed the AP Lab on enzyme activity.
In physical science, we had an assignment on pseudoscience and why it's important to not believe everything you see on the internet.
To go along with that, here is a video about some of the biggest hoaxes in science history:
In physical science, we had an assignment on pseudoscience and why it's important to not believe everything you see on the internet.
To go along with that, here is a video about some of the biggest hoaxes in science history:
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Wednesday, September 24
In AP biology, we began taking notes on Chapter 6 - Metabolism.
In physical science, we finished up review sheets and played a review game for tomorrow's quiz. If you bring your completed study guide to the test, you will get 2 points of extra credit.
In physical science, we finished up review sheets and played a review game for tomorrow's quiz. If you bring your completed study guide to the test, you will get 2 points of extra credit.
Tuesday, September 23
Today was an arts & crafts day, we made a 3-d representation of a cell membrane, complete with a lipid bilayer and several types of proteins.
In physical science, we started working on the review sheet for Chapter 4 & 5. The quiz will be on Thursday.
In physical science, we started working on the review sheet for Chapter 4 & 5. The quiz will be on Thursday.
Monday, September 22
In AP Biology, we revisited the osmosis and diffusion lab, answering questions and working on the water potential calculations. Below is a good video to explain water potential. After that, we finished our notes for chapter 5, talking about osmosis, diffusion and active and passive transport.
In physical science, we finished up our periodic table notes and worked on a giant periodic table out in front of the school.
In physical science, we finished up our periodic table notes and worked on a giant periodic table out in front of the school.
Friday, September 19, 2014
Thursday, September 18
In AP Biology, we performed the first part of AP Lab 4 - Osmosis and Diffusion. We got some results from our dialysis bags and left the potato pieces to soak overnight in the different sugar solutions.
In physical science, we did some ACT Practice and then worked on an "Alien Periodic Table" that helped lay out some understanding for the periodic table. This activity helped show that even though the elements in the periodic table are all different, they have similarities that change from one to the next in a predictable manner. You can see how these were originally arranged (before I cut them up) in this document.
In physical science, we did some ACT Practice and then worked on an "Alien Periodic Table" that helped lay out some understanding for the periodic table. This activity helped show that even though the elements in the periodic table are all different, they have similarities that change from one to the next in a predictable manner. You can see how these were originally arranged (before I cut them up) in this document.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
In AP Biology, we went over Chapter 5's review questions and started the notes about Chapter 5 - Cell Membranes. Tomorrow, we will do AP Lab 4: Osmosis and Diffusion. Dress appropriately and bring your notebooks!
In 2nd period physical science, we finished our atomic discovery timeline and put it up in the hall. You can see the finished product below.
In 3rd period physical science, we worked on some review questions for Chapter 4. If you missed, those questions are listed below:
Pg. 105 #1-7
Pg. 112 #1-7
Pg. 118 #1-5
Pg. 121-122 #11-17, 27-29
The videos of the day were about what happens when a coin is put in a block of dry ice:
and the chemical reactions that happen every day inside your iPhone:
In 2nd period physical science, we finished our atomic discovery timeline and put it up in the hall. You can see the finished product below.
In 3rd period physical science, we worked on some review questions for Chapter 4. If you missed, those questions are listed below:
Pg. 105 #1-7
Pg. 112 #1-7
Pg. 118 #1-5
Pg. 121-122 #11-17, 27-29
The videos of the day were about what happens when a coin is put in a block of dry ice:
and the chemical reactions that happen every day inside your iPhone:
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
This morning I had a doctor's appointment, so in AP Biology, we worked on review questions for Chapter 5.
Second period Physical Science worked on review questions for chapter 4.
Third period Physical Science finished up their atomic discovery time line. A picture of the finished product is below.
Second period Physical Science worked on review questions for chapter 4.
Third period Physical Science finished up their atomic discovery time line. A picture of the finished product is below.
Monday, September 15th, 2014
In AP Biology, we finished our notes from Chapter 4 and did a lab where we looked at different types of cells, including single-celled organisms in pond water. The weekly schedule can be found here.
In Physical science, we finished notes about atoms and watched a cool video from IBM where the pictures were made up of individual atoms. You can watch it below. Click around after the video for some behind the scenes info. After that, we started to work on our atomic discoveries timeline.
In Physical science, we finished notes about atoms and watched a cool video from IBM where the pictures were made up of individual atoms. You can watch it below. Click around after the video for some behind the scenes info. After that, we started to work on our atomic discoveries timeline.
Friday, September 12, 2014
My YouTube Channel
I have started a YouTube channel so that I can share videos of labs we do in class as well as a collection of the videos of the day and other cool videos that I come across.
Go subscribe at
Go subscribe at
Friday, September 12
In AP Biology, we got through most of the notes for Chapter 4 - Intro to the Cell. We will have a lab next Monday, so be prepared.
I included the two videos of animal and plant cells on my YouTube channel, so check those out if you want a good review:
In physical science, we had a short pre-lab and started talking about Chapter 4 - Atomic Structure.
There were a few videos of the day today. The first was from TED-Ed about just how small atoms can be:
Then we watched a couple about JJ Thomson's experiments that led to the identification of electrons.
Also, here is a video about Rutherford's gold foil experiment
I included the two videos of animal and plant cells on my YouTube channel, so check those out if you want a good review:
In physical science, we had a short pre-lab and started talking about Chapter 4 - Atomic Structure.
There were a few videos of the day today. The first was from TED-Ed about just how small atoms can be:
Then we watched a couple about JJ Thomson's experiments that led to the identification of electrons.
Also, here is a video about Rutherford's gold foil experiment
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Thursday, September 11
In AP Biology, we looked at examples of primary literature and did some research of our own. Your annotated bibliography will be due Monday, September 15th with five sources.
In physical science, we took a step away from science and watched a documentary on the attacks of September 11, 2001. I've shared a link to a better quality version the video below if you want to finish watching from where we left off.
102 Minutes That Changed America
In physical science, we took a step away from science and watched a documentary on the attacks of September 11, 2001. I've shared a link to a better quality version the video below if you want to finish watching from where we left off.
102 Minutes That Changed America
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Wednesday, September 10th
In AP Biology, today was test day for Chapters 1-3. As extra credit for this unit, I am offering 20 points for any AP student that enters the National Geographic AP Student of the Year essay contest. The contest description and rules can be found at .
To get credit, you simply write and enter an essay and print out the essay and your confirmation page or a screenshot of this page. The prompt is simple: "What are you doing to change the world?" The prize is a trip on one of National Geographic's student travel expeditions.
In 2nd period physical science, we tested our water filter and glove projects. The winner for the insulated glove was Chad McCoy. The clearest water was produced by Tori Moody and Matt Adams and Taryn Anderson tied for the most water recovered!
Third period physical science took their test on Chapters 1-3.
To get credit, you simply write and enter an essay and print out the essay and your confirmation page or a screenshot of this page. The prompt is simple: "What are you doing to change the world?" The prize is a trip on one of National Geographic's student travel expeditions.
In 2nd period physical science, we tested our water filter and glove projects. The winner for the insulated glove was Chad McCoy. The clearest water was produced by Tori Moody and Matt Adams and Taryn Anderson tied for the most water recovered!
Third period physical science took their test on Chapters 1-3.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Tuesday, September 9th
Today in AP Biology, we reviewed a few topics that will be on the test and worked on word maps to represent Chapters 1, 2 & 3. Those used the vocabulary and made connections between the main ideas and their parts. Images for those are below. I also shared the topics for each essay, hopefully you wrote them down.
As a reward for visiting this page, here are the actual essays with their point values so you can plan or practice them before the test.
In 2nd period physical science, we took our test on chapters 1-3. The challenge for building a water filter or insulated glove will be tested out tomorrow, Wednesday, Sept. 10th.
In 3rd period physical science, we played a review game. The test will be tomorrow.
As a reward for visiting this page, here are the actual essays with their point values so you can plan or practice them before the test.
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Chapter 1 Word Map |
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Chapter 2 Word Map |
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Chapter 3 Word Map |
In 2nd period physical science, we took our test on chapters 1-3. The challenge for building a water filter or insulated glove will be tested out tomorrow, Wednesday, Sept. 10th.
In 3rd period physical science, we played a review game. The test will be tomorrow.
Monday, September 8
In AP Biology, several people were out so we worked on the suggested study questions for Chapters 1-3. Those questions are:
Chapter 1: "Testing Yourself" # 1, 4-11, 13 15
Chapter 2: TY #1-8, 10-15, 17
Chapter 3: TY #1, 3-30
Also look at the Understanding Vocab questions
Here is a video that might help while reviewing for the organic molecules part of the test. In fact, this Bozeman Science YouTube channel is super helpful with almost every topic in biology, for future reference.
In physical science, we played review baseball for the test tomorrow.
Chapter 1: "Testing Yourself" # 1, 4-11, 13 15
Chapter 2: TY #1-8, 10-15, 17
Chapter 3: TY #1, 3-30
Also look at the Understanding Vocab questions
Here is a video that might help while reviewing for the organic molecules part of the test. In fact, this Bozeman Science YouTube channel is super helpful with almost every topic in biology, for future reference.
In physical science, we played review baseball for the test tomorrow.
Friday, September 5
Friday was an odd day for our schedule. We had first and second block and then activities in the auditorium and a pep rally for the football team.
In AP Biology, we finished our Chapter 3 notes on organic molecules.
In 2nd period physical science we worked on a test review sheet for our test on Tuesday, Sept. 9th
In AP Biology, we finished our Chapter 3 notes on organic molecules.
In 2nd period physical science we worked on a test review sheet for our test on Tuesday, Sept. 9th
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
September 3
In AP Biology, we went over Chapter 3 homework and began taking notes on Chapter 3 - Organic Molecules.
In physical science, we started our individual project building water filters or insulated gloves. In this project, you will design a water filter or an insulated glove using materials chosen for their given physical properties.
We also worked on an in-class challenge to create a hot air balloon. We will have to continue this tomorrow as only a few people were successful.
In physical science, we started our individual project building water filters or insulated gloves. In this project, you will design a water filter or an insulated glove using materials chosen for their given physical properties.
We also worked on an in-class challenge to create a hot air balloon. We will have to continue this tomorrow as only a few people were successful.
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
September 2
In AP Biology we designed and carried out an experiment to examine the behavior of insects, pill bugs in our case. This is based on AP Biology Lab 12: Fruit Fly Behavior .
In physical science, we went over yesterday's homework and started with a lab that examined what happens during a phase change (ice melting into water). We specifically concentrated on what happens to the temperature. Then we took some notes on Chapter 3 - States of Matter. There weren't many notes and we were able to finish them.
The video of the day is about a substance that has properties of both a liquid and a solid - oobleck. We might spend a day to make this and show it off to the younger grades.
Here is the dry ice video that we were watching 4th period:
In physical science, we went over yesterday's homework and started with a lab that examined what happens during a phase change (ice melting into water). We specifically concentrated on what happens to the temperature. Then we took some notes on Chapter 3 - States of Matter. There weren't many notes and we were able to finish them.
The video of the day is about a substance that has properties of both a liquid and a solid - oobleck. We might spend a day to make this and show it off to the younger grades.
Monday, September 1, 2014
September 1st
The weekly schedule for AP Biology is linked here. We went over last week's homework for Chapter 2 and finished up the notes for that chapter.
The video of the day is an awesome one that really shows the cohesive power of water:
In physical science we finished the notes for Chapter 2 - Properties of Matter and did a demo where we looked at the chemical properties of aluminum and magnesium in response to heat.
For physical science, there are review questions for Chapter 2:
pg. 44 #1-6
pg. 51 #1-6
pg. 58 #1-7
The video of the day is about a weird type of matter - dark matter:
The video of the day is an awesome one that really shows the cohesive power of water:
In physical science we finished the notes for Chapter 2 - Properties of Matter and did a demo where we looked at the chemical properties of aluminum and magnesium in response to heat.
For physical science, there are review questions for Chapter 2:
pg. 44 #1-6
pg. 51 #1-6
pg. 58 #1-7
The video of the day is about a weird type of matter - dark matter:
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
August 28
In AP Biology, we did some ACT practice and began our notes for Chapter 2 - Basic Chemistry. We will finish these notes up on Monday.
Today's two AP Biology videos of the day are all about water:
Today's two AP Biology videos of the day are all about water:
In physical science, we did the pre-lab from pg. 37, which is all about physical properties of matter. We also began notes on Chapter 2 - Properties of Matter. We talked about viscosity of liquids and watched the following video about the longest running science experiment in the world - some scientists have been watching a container of pitch for nearly 100 years to show that pitch is indeed a liquid.
August 27
In AP Biology, we began working on our semester-long project. The rough outline for your project is due tomorrow.
In physical science, we took notes on the metric system and scientific notation. We also did a lab to determine the thickness of a piece of aluminum foil.
In physical science, we took notes on the metric system and scientific notation. We also did a lab to determine the thickness of a piece of aluminum foil.
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
August 26 Recap
Today in AP Biology, we took a pre-test and covered some topics that we should know as the class starts. We also took a few notes on Chapter 1 - see the previous post.
In physical science, we did some ACT practice and took notes on Chapter 1. We talked about the scientific method and the homework assignment was to come up with and design your own experiment.
If you have a few minutes, this is a pretty neat video about the scientific method:
In physical science, we did some ACT practice and took notes on Chapter 1. We talked about the scientific method and the homework assignment was to come up with and design your own experiment.
If you have a few minutes, this is a pretty neat video about the scientific method:
AP Biology Notes - Chapter 1: A View of Life
AP Biology students - the slides for chapter 1 can be found here.
**Please note that we use the book "Biology, 10th edition" (2010) written by Sylvia Mader. However, these notes were adapted from the 8th edition of "Biology" by Campbell and Reece. These lectures were compiled by Chris Romero, Erin Barley and Joan Sharp. The copyright (2008) belongs to Pearson Education (Pearson Benjamin Cummings). This citation will apply to all of the notes/slides that we will use throughout this course.
**Please note that we use the book "Biology, 10th edition" (2010) written by Sylvia Mader. However, these notes were adapted from the 8th edition of "Biology" by Campbell and Reece. These lectures were compiled by Chris Romero, Erin Barley and Joan Sharp. The copyright (2008) belongs to Pearson Education (Pearson Benjamin Cummings). This citation will apply to all of the notes/slides that we will use throughout this course.
Monday, August 25, 2014
Fall 2014 AP Biology and Physical Science Syllabi (that is the plural of syllabus, you know...)
Sunday, August 24, 2014
AP Biology Schedule - August 25-29
The weekly AP Biology schedule can be found here: August 25 - 29. I will print a class schedule for each week so you are able to plan your week and do homework accordingly.
This week, we will be covering Ch. 1 & 2 in the Mader Biology book. I will upload other assignments as we go along.
This week, we will be covering Ch. 1 & 2 in the Mader Biology book. I will upload other assignments as we go along.
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Welcome Back!!
Hello, students and parents!
Welcome back to RHS for the 2014-2015 School year. I am moving all of my online activity to this blog site as it is much easier to find and navigate compared to our old school website.
Here you will be able to find a schedule of what we do each day. I will try to update the site daily and include any assignments for both AP Biology and Physical Science. I will also include links to any awesome science news I come across and of course our Science Video of the Day.
Feel free to contact me through this website. You can also email me at or call the school at 828-479-3330. I want to be the most accessible teacher your kids have, so please don't hesitate to contact me if there are any questions or concerns.
Thanks and I'm looking forward to another great year! Go Black Knights!
~Mr. Davis
Welcome back to RHS for the 2014-2015 School year. I am moving all of my online activity to this blog site as it is much easier to find and navigate compared to our old school website.
Here you will be able to find a schedule of what we do each day. I will try to update the site daily and include any assignments for both AP Biology and Physical Science. I will also include links to any awesome science news I come across and of course our Science Video of the Day.
Feel free to contact me through this website. You can also email me at or call the school at 828-479-3330. I want to be the most accessible teacher your kids have, so please don't hesitate to contact me if there are any questions or concerns.
Thanks and I'm looking forward to another great year! Go Black Knights!
~Mr. Davis
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